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Sleeping Disorder

Melatonin Soft Gel Capsules

Melatonin is a supplement that provides natural sleep for insomnia patients, offering an effective cure for their sleep difficulties (quality and initiation) $ is the only sleep supplement shown to improve daytime functioning

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Melatonin 10 mg Soft Gelatin Capsules


Melatonin is a natural hormone that plays a role in sleep. Melatonin production and release in the brain is related to time of day, rising in the evening and falling in the morning. Light at night blocks its production. Melatonin dietary supplements have been studied for sleep disorders, such as jet lag, disruptions of the body’s internal “clock,” insomnia, and problems with sleep among people who work night shifts. It has also been studied for dementia symptoms

Melatonin 10 mg Soft Gelatin Capsules

How It Works?

The production and release of melatonin from the pineal gland occurs with a clear daily (circadian) rhythm, with peak levels occurring at night. Once produced, it is secreted into the blood stream and cerebrospinal fluid (the fluid around the brain & spinal cord) and conveys signals to distant organs. Melatonin is carried by the circulation from the brain to all areas of the body.

Melatonin 10 mg Soft Gelatin Capsules

How Much Should You Take?

Daily doses of 0.5mg to 10 mg appear similarly effective, although sleep onset may be quicker at the higher dose. There does not appear to be any advantage in taking more than this.

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