Acidity-Causes and Cure

Acidity-Causes and Cure.

Acidity is a very common health problem among all age groups. Acidity issues arise when there is excess production of acid due to triggers such as acidic foods, alcohol, dehydration and stress. Acidity causes symptoms like dyspepsia, heartburn, gastric inflammation and ulcers in the stomach.

What is Acidity ?

Stomach naturally produces gastric acid or gastric juice which is a digestive fluid composed of hydrochloric acid (HCl), potassium chloride (KCl) and sodium chloride (NaCl). This is essential in digestive process in breaking down or digestion of the food by activating digestive enzymes. When there is an excess production of this gastric juice by the gastric glands present in stomach, it leads to damaged stomach lining which causes acidity.

Causes of Acidity

acidity is caused due to external factors like

  • Bad eating habits
  • Intake of acidic food
  • Oily and spicy food
  • Dehydration
  • Stress
  • Alcohol consumption and smoking
  • Irregularity in consuming food
  • Lack of physical activity

Acidity mostly occurs after intake of food, applying pressure in the inter-abdominal area or at night while lying down.

Symptoms observed during acidity

  • Burning sensation in stomach after eating meal
  • Burning in throat and esophagus /Heartburn
  • Restlessness and discomfort
  • Sour taste in mouth
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Indigestion
  • Belching/burping/reflux
Treatment - Usually antacids are used in the treatment of acidity.
What are antacids?

Antacids are substances or medicine that neutralizes the stomach acidity and raises the pH. They come in the form of chewable tablets or syrups. Many PCD pharma companies like Alvizia Healthcare market antacids. Antacids are available over the counter

Mechanism of action - these antacids contains alkaline (basic) ions which chemically neutralizes or counteracts the acid in stomach.

It is best to take antacids with food or right after intake of food.
Antacids are mild alkaline substances which work by neutralizing acidity in the digestive juices, thereby reducing irritation of the stomach lining and allowing eroded areas in the mucus layer to recover.

Common antacids

Antacids usually contains following ingredients:-

  • Aluminium hydroxide
  • Magnesium hydroxide
  • Magnesium carbonate
  • Magnesium trisilicate
  • Calcium carbonate
  • Sodium bicarbonate
Antacid may contain one of the above components or a combination of these. Along with these they sometimes also contain other medicines like:-
  • Activated dimethicone also called simethicone. It is silicone oil with anti -flatulence, anti-bloating and anti-foaming properties. It is one of the common additives added to remove the trapped gas (flatulence).
    ATMOGIN – Alvizia healthcare. It contains a combination of magnesium hydroxide and dried aluminium hydroxide gel along with additive dimethicone
  • Alginate - coats the food tract with a protective layer so that the gastric acid doesn't harm the oesophagus.
A few antacids contain Oxethazaine which gives a relief from pain due to peptic ulcers (GERD). OXETACAIN GEL from Alvizia Healthcare is one such antacid which contains oxethazaine along with aluminium and magnesium hydroxide.